The Spirit of the COW!
The cow a blessed creature symbolises all we know about the Goddess in Her Mother aspect. There be stories in Ancient Eireland that talk of three magical cows coming to the shore, one white (the Maiden), one red (the Mother) and the other black (the Crone). Although all aspects of the Goddess are represented here, the Cow symbolises everything We know of Motherhood most of all.
She nurtures, She cares
She cAtches Us unawares
She gives and receives
She runs through the leaves
She gathers, She collects
An abundance of things
Life is what She brings!
This little poem shows Us just how important a Mother is!!
The Mother Goddess gives Her life for Her children and is always happy to do so!!
In my experience children give you so much back with their little hearts, just a smile in the morning or a joyful laugh and I'm happy they're happy!!
Motherhood is such a joy for a woman and to me the Cow symbolises joy everlasting! Cows seem to walk about with a smile upon their faces and exude happiness and forgiveness.
Forgiveness is the "Key to Life" I've always felt!
So in this way Cows are a vital aspect to all We know and love! The Cow has so much to teach Us about how to be good people. They live together happily in large numbers, for a small field and are always seen to gather at watering holes.
This community living is a wonderful way for us Humans to be and learn from!
The Cow really does represent PEACE in it's true essence!
The peaceful and giving nature of the Cow shows Us how We can all live together happily and help to provide for Our families and One another.
By lending a hand and by giving practical help or even giving of Our work some how we can all provide for the starving, poor and needy people in this sad, sad World of Ours!
Peace is such a vital aspect of Life to truly appreciate the Human being in their best and only true nature!
How can We look at this World of Ours seeing war and famine and suffering of any kind without ACTING in some peaceful way to put it right!!
The Cow brings blessings in "Abundance"!!
Although as a VEGE-head I only see the Cow as a friend who lives happily around me, their Sacredness to Human has been revered in INDIA always.
Happily the people of BUDDHA hold the gentleness of the Cow as most important to it's nature and also live like I do, in true respect of the animal's FR-REEDOM!
Nice peeps!!
With Motherhood comes responsibility and the Cow and Her male Bull both show great protection to their young and loved One! The Bull will stand strong in the face of "Foe" and will charge at invaders when need be!
However the Cow is ALL Goddess' and remains protective in peace of the young and old. Woman could do much by learning of this blessed duality and the sacredness of the TRUST between Cow and Bull!
I feel this animal really epitomises the Goddess at Her best in all Her four aspects while living the Life of a Mother!
This teaches Us wimmin that Life begins with being a Mother whatever age that is for you!
Life has so much to offer Us in motherhood and the Goddess knows that! After all, the planet We live on that gives Us LIFE itself, is a MOTHER GODDESS, the MOTHER EARTH!
Thanks for reading mi lil prose, I hope you enjoyed mi rant!!
With joy I bring you a painting of the Cow I found on the net!
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