Merry Meet and Welcome!

Merry Meet Again! This blog is called Practical Magic and my aim is to teach spellwork for the beginner witch/wizard! I began my Wiccan path about 20 years ago and have grown ever since in power and strength as a witchy woman! I practice magic as a Solitary Green Witch and work with the powers within herbs, incenses and the essence of Colour in magic. Candle magic is my forte!!

I have a great interest in Animal Totems and my personal totems are the Dog, Gorilla, Raven and Lion. I saw my totem pole in a sacred dream once and have worked with these Power animals ever since. To me, Dog symbolises Loyalty, Gorilla - Benevolence, Raven - Protection and Lion - Strength. There are much more to these Power Animals and I will write a post describing working with the spirit of Totems.

I come from Britain where Animal have been held sacred by the Celts & Druids always alike Native America and Shamans of the Celts would work with their Power Animals as guides. I have a Druid Animal Oracle Deck and if you would like a reading, please get in touch at I enjoy reading the cards and this service is FREE!!!

I create crystal healing jewellery under the name of Ravenmoon Designs and my website has information pages on crystal affinities and astrology.

I hope you find the practice of Wicca as enthralling as I do and what ever your personal path, may you gain wisdom from these pages. Blessings!

Friday, 18 May 2012

Beltane is here!

 Beltane is here!
Let's sound a cheer!
Summer is a comin-in
The sun in His glory
Once again.

The conch shell is sounded
for celebrations to begin
To call a new dawn
Of rising nwyfre in all
The rising dragon.

Fertility abounds,
Great strength of body and mind
Happiness of sunshine and flowers
Green green grass
Animals in oestre.

Rhiannon rides Her white mare
Through the fields and vales
Her lover in her heart
The rising dragon prevails,
Bringing new gifts of love.

The sovereign of the land
Bringing kindness,
making a stand!
For righteousness and life
Beltane is here!

Blessed be

Thursday, 17 May 2012

Spring Equinox Blessings!

Spring Equinox Blessings

As the dawn begins to break,
The Earth begins to awake,
To a bright new day
Of flowers blooming
Sunshine creating
A happy day for All!

The Hare brings rebirth
At the dawn
A break to the wintertime
Gentle blessings of new life
A new way of living
A time of forgiving!

Oestre teaches us of fertility
The time of a woman's moon blessing
As girl's become women
Their minds expand
Their bodies bloom
Their world's change!

As Ostara brings new fertility to Earth
So the garden blooms to colours
Of yellow, lilac and white
Of orange, red and purple,
Iris, Daffodil, Crocus,
Tulips and Violets!

The carpet of flowers
Brings the April showers
Gentle rains to bless the Earth
To help bring about rebirth
Lush new growth
Spring Equinox Blessings!

Blessed Be  

Tuesday, 1 May 2012


As the blessed Spring arrives,
Flowers such as snowdrop grow,
Deep beneath the white clean snow.
Bridie, the Maiden pure and bright
Doth sing this blessed Imbolc night
Dancing through the gardens fair
To hasten blooms everywhere
Little bells do twinkle in the morn
Her copper mirror shines with the sun,
Bringing glory to everyone!

Around the holy spring and sacred well
Bride sings Her happy tale
Of healing fine o'er hill and dale
Gathering to celebrate
We do prayer ties make
Hoping for a brighter day
Singing and dancing 'ere so gay
With the colours white, yellow, pink
Pastels do our minds make think
Of the brightness of the Spring
Light and life in everything!

Brigdhe, the Maiden of Smithcraft
Brings to us Her sacred art
Casting metal in the forge
Creating from the elements
Of fire and earth
Water and Air
Beautiful creations abound
Birds sing all around
Beginning their year of nesting time
Spring-cleaning at yours and mine!

Hare, the Spirit of the Spring
Doth gentle rebirth bring
Renewing all they touch
Free they run
Through the fields
Flying with the moon
And shining with the Sun.
Merlin doth shapeshift to hare
Spreading His magic everywhere.
Let us learn to magic make
And bring happiness in our wake.

The Eagle too brings Springtime blessings
Glory, light and spirit strong
Soaring o'er the mountains all day long
Wings spread far to hold our heart
Love to us the eagle doth impart
Teaching of guidance of the soul
Spirituality will call
To everyone both big and small
Help the eagle will always bring
To those who are ready to sing!

Thank you Great Goddess for the Spring
For light and life and everything
For joy and happiness
Flower and tree
Filling the gardens of you and me
Renewal abounds for all to find
Within the soul, body and mind
Great are the days of shining sun
The year truly has begun!

Blessed Be