Merry Meet and Welcome!

Merry Meet Again! This blog is called Practical Magic and my aim is to teach spellwork for the beginner witch/wizard! I began my Wiccan path about 20 years ago and have grown ever since in power and strength as a witchy woman! I practice magic as a Solitary Green Witch and work with the powers within herbs, incenses and the essence of Colour in magic. Candle magic is my forte!!

I have a great interest in Animal Totems and my personal totems are the Dog, Gorilla, Raven and Lion. I saw my totem pole in a sacred dream once and have worked with these Power animals ever since. To me, Dog symbolises Loyalty, Gorilla - Benevolence, Raven - Protection and Lion - Strength. There are much more to these Power Animals and I will write a post describing working with the spirit of Totems.

I come from Britain where Animal have been held sacred by the Celts & Druids always alike Native America and Shamans of the Celts would work with their Power Animals as guides. I have a Druid Animal Oracle Deck and if you would like a reading, please get in touch at I enjoy reading the cards and this service is FREE!!!

I create crystal healing jewellery under the name of Ravenmoon Designs and my website has information pages on crystal affinities and astrology.

I hope you find the practice of Wicca as enthralling as I do and what ever your personal path, may you gain wisdom from these pages. Blessings!

Tuesday, 27 August 2019

Lammas bright

That beginning comes to all who wait
Of Autumntide ahead
Slowly berries turn to black from red
Nuts begin to fall to the ground
Carefully turns the wheel
Ground to sky upon is nigh
The beautiful autumn zeal

Why do we feel so joyous now?
Because thanks to thee is right
To LOrd and Lady
To Earth and Sun
To the Moon of the Night
Thanks and praises
All are One
To Divine Good Energy
To Spirit, Earth
And the Holy One

Thanks be to thee so clear
Why so fine a cheer?
Thanks be for listening dear
Autumn gives us all a chance
To see the Grace of God
His/Her Giving Nature
All around is good
Great tidings of good natured souls
Great tidings one and all
Thank you dear Lord Jesus for
Helping Us feel small
To look up to the sky above
Is to see the world so high
Perhaps we feel a little One
Or really are we shy?
To me humanity is close
Where One and One is all
All be equal
All be light
All be good and true
Thank you great beings
For good mercy
Than you for the sky so blue
Blessings to you and you

Lovelii Litha

It's that time of year
When we give a cheer
And the Heavens open bright
People celebrate summer's peak
With peace and love and light
Sunshine in abundance
Summer in full swing
Dancing all the night through
Stars and Moon too

This blessed year we gave good thanks
We cried for sunny days
We hoped and prayed all would be well
We danced on thro the haze
Brightly shone the Moon that night
Summertime is here
Thank you Lord for being so bright
Can you hear us here?

Thank you daer Lady
For blessings true
For holding all that's near
So close to your heart
To love impart
And help us all to see
That life is good for thee

Blessed be