The light begins to swirl,
Minds awakening to the wisdom world,
Innocence and purity,
Clarity brings forgiveness!
Welcome to a world of sparkle,
Gleaming golden horns,
Swishing manes of white.
As the unicorn dances,
The whole world alights!
Bringing peace and love,
Care for nature and the Earth,
Magic and mystery!
Great beings of light,
Shining through the night.
Playing in the forest,
Wild and alive!
Forever souls are shining bright,
Potential for a glorious life!
Angels tread near the unicorn,
Magical beings of the everlasting eras,
Wonder is in our souls!
The unicorn prances into the distance,
The mists twirl around,
Avalon is the sound!
Pipers and horn players,
Harps and drums,
The fae are with us, everyone!
Dancing in the light of the moon,
The time is coming very soon.
When the world will awaken,
Energy flowing,
From Chakras that have laid still,
To reveal a new golden wisdom,
For all to share!
But beware!
There must be cleansing of the world,
To allow this glory to behold!
Welcome to the new world,
Light shining forth,
Angels and Unicorns leading the way!
Light beings of the fifth dimension
Guiding us all
Into the Golden Age!
May you all find this happiness
Filtering through,
May the sky be forever blue!
Blessings of the Unicorn shine in the light!
Be open to their guidance, morn , noon and night!
Blessed Be.
The unicorn prances into the distance,
The mists twirl around,
Avalon is the sound!
Pipers and horn players,
Harps and drums,
The fae are with us, everyone!
Dancing in the light of the moon,
The time is coming very soon.
When the world will awaken,
Energy flowing,
From Chakras that have laid still,
To reveal a new golden wisdom,
For all to share!
But beware!
There must be cleansing of the world,
To allow this glory to behold!
Welcome to the new world,
Light shining forth,
Angels and Unicorns leading the way!
Light beings of the fifth dimension
Guiding us all
Into the Golden Age!
May you all find this happiness
Filtering through,
May the sky be forever blue!
Blessings of the Unicorn shine in the light!
Be open to their guidance, morn , noon and night!
Blessed Be.